El Momento de Oro
El Momento de Oro
A one day pop-up festival honoring a tree
El Momento de Oro
Get ready!
Every summer, the iconic Momento de Oro trees bring great beauty and joy to passerbys as they brightly bloom and dot our Costa Rican landscape with neon yellow. Within a day of blooming, they gift us a spectacular show as their blooms rain upon the Earth before them and for anyone who has the time to watch. The trees typically go off "in-circuit" where a family of trees, connected by the wood wide web, go off in close-by or family groups. Occasionally the trees will bloom twice a season, but typically it is only once. This is a special, and magical occurrence that is worthy of a celebration en masse.
We, the community of Rancho Delicioso, are lucky to have an area that is a natural forming "stage" to showcase this special "Momento de Oro". Join our mailing list and WhatsApp group to be notified about this special pop-up occurrence (that we only have 1-day preparation for). You must be "ready" at this time of year to pack up your things and celebrate Nature on some random day during our Costa Rican summer. The event could happen any time from February through the beginning of May.
By celebrating the moment of this tree, we reclaim an ancient innerstanding of the sacredness of all trees and all of Nature. Our celebration is a token of appreciation and gratitude for Nature's life-sustaining gifts.
What to Bring
This can be food, crystals to bury or put on the "stage", other natural substances or beautiful gifts (could be a dance or song) to be given in gratitude for the offering the Tree makes us.
Although we have planted shade trees, the area for this "moment" is still in development. For 2020, we advise everyone bring sun protection be shade, natural sunscreen, hats, protective clothing.
Bring towels or blankets and pillows to lay on the ground.
This should be a family affair. Bring the whole family (be they your little ones or friends).
For you or potluck style to be shared
Come ready to share space with others and share ideas on how we continually make this offering ever more special and ways we can honor other pieces of land.
Dress up and dance! Bring comfortable shoes or with caution, go barefoot!
Space to celebrate this tree and a community gathering. Music via Yellow-Gold Playlist which will be playing from the neighboring property, The Green Wave house. Typically, a great photo opp.
We contact our potential celebration crew only a few times after January of every year in preparation for this magical moment.
Momento de Oro takes place at Rancho Delicioso. Pin and instructions are given day of this pop-up party.
El Momento de Oro © 2020